Protecting Cultural and Subsistence Use of Our Lands For Future Generations
Gana-A’Yoo owns 438,000 acres of land located in and surrounding Galena, Koyukuk, Nulato, and Kaltag.
As a steward of the land, the corporation strives to balance protection of cultural resources with management of natural resources. The land is managed to preserve important historic and cultural aspects of our Native heritage. Subsistence is the primary and highest priority use of our lands.
Gana-A’Yoo lands are open to the public for short-term camping. For camping longer than five days, a Seasonal Use Permit is required. Seasonal Use Permits are available to corporation shareholders and descendants. Commercial guiding activities have been prohibited on Gana-A’Yoo lands, and non-shareholders are not permitted to hunt on Gana-A’Yoo lands.
Long-term Camping
Timber Use Permit
Shareholders, descendants, and residents of Galena, Koyukuk, Nulato, and Kaltag: Please support Gana-A’Yoo’s resource protection efforts by reporting land trespass events by non-shareholders in our subregion.
Share as many of the following trespass event details in the comment box below. You can also write [email protected], share details with the USFWS Galena office, or even give them to the roving VPSO. Please think Safety First and do not confront trespassers.
- Time and date of trespass event
- GPS coordinates or describe the location
- Boat details: model, frame, cabin, engine type, etc.
- Number of trespassers
- If any Gana-A’Yoo “No Trespass” signs were nearby