Go Green for Gana-A’Yoo
Voting Shareholders! Go Green for Gana-A’Yoo! Call today to opt-in to receive materials electronically! The final deadline to opt-in is Monday, April 1, 2024, at 5 pm.
• No paper needed, receive all mail electronically
• Save trees – trees are not needed to produce digital materials
• Help Gana-A’Yoo save money by reducing printing and mailing costs
Shareholders who have previously opted into electronic delivery with a valid email address are automatically entered to win. Shareholders have the option to revoke consent and receive a mailed copy of the annual report, proxy statement, and other information within 30 days.
There will be four $50 cash prize drawings for shareholders who have opted into electronic delivery by the deadline. Please contact Shareholder Records at 907-569-9599 or toll-free at 888-656-1606 to opt-in for electronic materials.