Gana-A'Yoo, Limited Donations
Gana-A’Yoo recognizes that shareholders and their descendants are one of its most valuable resources. To optimize this resource, we believe it to be in the best interest for all to donate to various organizations and individuals whose programs and activities benefit Gana-A’Yoo shareholders and their families.
Organizations and individuals are limited to one (1) donation per event per fiscal year. All donation requests must be submitted in writing via email or mail.
1. Individual: Requests based on achievements, participation in activities of recognition, and/or promotion of their individual talents or that give recognition to culture and/or heritage.
2. Community Events: Requests that further the culture and/or heritage of the community, promotes activities to further the health and well-being of the people of the community, including sports activities, and/or give recognition to culture and/or heritage.
3. School Activity: Requests that promote and provide educational opportunities and activities for students.
- Political organizations, activities or candidates
- Religious based events
- Debt recovery
- Airfare
- Business or household/utility expenses
- Salaries and wages
- Media projects and/or book publishing
- Conference registration fees
- a description of the organization;
- the activity that the donation will be used for;
- why the donation is needed;
- the number of anticipated beneficiaries of the activity;
- the name of the point of contact;
- estimated cost of the event; and
- a completed W-9.
Gana-A’Yoo Donation Request Form
Mail your request:
Attn: Shareholder Services
3900 C Street Ste 100
Anchorage, AK 99503
Email: [email protected]
Fax: (907) 569-9699