Committed to Our Culture, Our Land, and Our Future Together
Gana-A’Yoo has everlasting ties to the four villages that united as a result of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act to form our for-profit corporation: Galena, Koyukuk, Nulato, and Kaltag. That decision was an example of the resourcefulness Koyukon Athabascans have long demonstrated. They didn’t just survive the demanding environment of Alaska’s Interior, they thrived.
While today’s challenges are different in many ways, our shareholders continue to nurture a profound connection to our regional land, waters, and wildlife. They have even tasked the corporation to protect traditional subsistence hunting and fishing rights on corporation-owned land and waters surrounding the villages.
In addition to land protection efforts, Gana-A’Yoo strives to make an impact in each village and assists with community service projects, providing employment opportunities, and making donations to schools as well as village tribal councils.
Gana-A’Yoo is committed to meeting our social and economic obligations to our four villages.
For questions about Gana-A’Yoo lands, please write [email protected]