Gana-A’Yoo – Four Villages, One Corporation, and a Two-Fold Purpose
Gana-A’Yoo, Limited (Gana-A’Yoo) is an Alaska Native Village Corporation (ANC) established in 1978 as a result of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act. Headquartered in Anchorage, Gana-A’Yoo is owned by 2,200 Koyukon Athabascan shareholders and their descendants. Our shareholders and descendants represent four villages located along the Yukon River within Alaska’s Interior: Galena, Koyukuk, Nulato, and Kaltag.
Our purpose is two-fold: to prosper as a sustainable economic engine, and to create opportunities for our shareholders from that success. To meet these objectives, Gana-A’Yoo has gradually assembled a professional Family of Companies that operate within several diverse lines of business. Guided by our Values, we are as proud of our reputation for safe, successful contract performance as we are of our heritage.
In the Athabaskan language, Gana-A’Yoo means “friends/friends together.” As historically nomadic people who relied on each other for survival, the concept of sharing is a vital one. This was the underlying sentiment more than 45 years ago when our four villages joined together as “friends” and merged their resources into one corporation. Today, we proudly symbolize this partnership in our logo’s firm arm grip and in the value we place on building strong, lasting relationships with our clients, employees, and industry partners.