Bad Address List
The Bad Address List is a list of shareholders or descendants whose information needs to be updated. It is important, and a shareholder responsibility, to ensure your mailing address and other contact information is kept current to receive important information from Gana-A’Yoo.
The following shareholders need to update their information on record. If you are on the list, please contact us at 907-569-9599 or toll free at 888-656-1606. You can also write [email protected] with your completed Shareholder Records Change Form.
Clifford M Benjamin
Lisa Bismark
Catherine Brush
Duane L Burgess Jr.
Angela T Carlo
Treston M Demoski
Arvin Felter
Kathryn K Folger
Lowanna Goodwin
Janice C Hildebrand
Tobi Hower
Allen D Huntington
Billi Jo Jones
James L Kelly Jr.
Daniel B Kennedy
Lowell D Kokrine
Jordan L Neglaska
Jason Nollner
Shelley Irene Ostlund
Arthur J Roberts
Heinz W Rochna
Chris R Semaken Jr.
Levi A Silas
William Daniel Smith
Daniel Solomon
Madison Rose Mary Williams-Anderson
Ann Marie Wyatt